Dogma: ‚The coronation of Mary as the Queen over Heaven and Earth‘

To His Holiness the Pope Benedict XVI.

Our dioceses and church-associates believe that Mary is the queen over heaven and earth.

We request you - Your Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. to announce an official statement of belief from your church. We therefore kindly beg you to give the church, Mother Mary and all people this statement of belief.

As Pope Pius IX. on the 8th of December 1854 announced the dogma of Mary about ‚The Immaculate Conception‘, Mary appeared in Lourdes, giving her mercy to many people and created wonders of all kinds.

On the 1st of November 1950, Pope Pius XII. announced the dogma of Mary about ‚the corporal entry of Mary in heaven‘. After that, Jesus appeared the woman Mother Maria Graf in Switzerland. Through this revelation, Jesus shows us, how half the world can be saved: through the rosary prayer for all sinners.

And if you - Your holiness Pope Benedict XVI., would announce ex cathedra Petri - the dogma: ‚Coronation of Mary as the Queen of Heaven and Earth‘ in the presence of all religious masters, producing endless joy and wonder of all believers of the world, then the ‚Immaculate Heart of Mary‘ will celebrate its victory over all enemies and evil in this world for some time. (Source: Revelations of the love of God to Maria Graf).

May you be blessed with holy water from The Holy Trinity and the Sacred Mother of God
Maria, Mother of Humankind: «In nòmine Pátris, et Fílii et Spíritus Sáncti. Amen.»